Most Common Organizational Patterns in Academic Writing
Depending on your writing topic, you might find it beneficial to use one of these common organizational patterns:
1- General _to _Specific: it is a writing order that mooves from a broad conceptor a general idea to narrow examples.
Example: [ A walk up and down the aisles of your local farmers’ market will engage all of your senses. For instance, your sense of smell is awakened by eighteen varieties of fresh roma tomatoes. Your mouth waters at the prospect of sampling the fresh breads. Your eye catches a glimpse of the colors of handmade ,embroidred bags.You lighner to touch a perfectly ripe peach. Your ears catch the strain of an impromptu jug band]
2- Specific_ to_ General: it is a writing order that moves from particular points to a more general conclusion.This means it’s when you give some examples, then summarize them with a general idea.
Example [ Your sense of smell is awakened by eighteen varieties of fresh roma tomatoes. Your mouth waters at the prospect of sampling the fresh breads. Your eye catches a glimpse of the colors of handmade ,embroidred bags.You lighner to touch a perfectly ripe peach. Your ears catch the strain of an impromptu jug band.A walk up and down the aisles of your local farmers’ market will engage all of your senses]
3- Process Analysis : it is a writing pattern that it is used to describe how something is made or to explain the steps of how something is done. Example: [ The first key to growing good tomattoes is to give the seedlings plenty of room. Make sure to transplant them to small pots once they get their first leaves.Even when they are just starting out in pots, they need plenty of light ,air,and heat. Make sure to warm up the ground in advance by covering it in plastic sheeting for a couple of weeks. When you are ready to plant them in soil, plant them deeply enough so they can put down some strong roots.Mulch next, and once the stems of the tomato plants have reached a few inches in hight, cut off the lower leaves to avoid fungi Carfully prune the suckers that develop in the joints of the developing stems]